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Associated Friends of

Stebbing School


A very warm welcome to Associated Friends of Stebbing School webpage. We are more commonly known as the AFSS. We are the community of parents and other supporters behind extra activities and fundraising for the school. In other words, we are the PTA, but with that little bit extra help!


Historically, AFSS has had valuable support from others who are not directly parents. Our supporters have been villagers, grandparents and ex-parents whose children have grown up and moved on to pastures new. All of these people are welcome to join the AFSS and their support is greatly appreciated and valued.


As a parent of a student in Stebbing Primary School, you automatically become a member of the AFSS but your level of involvement is entirely up to you. Whether you wish to help out by baking cakes or help us to organise the Christmas Market, every action is valued and appreciated. You do not need to commit to anything more than you have time for. We never take anyone’s participation for granted. Every bit of help ensures that we can continue funding projects to benefit all of our children in Stebbing Primary School.


Everyone is invited to the Annual General Meeting, which is generally held in September. The current AFSS board has been selected in the latest AGM (September 2022). You can access the minutes below for further information. We want you to feel that you can easily approach the board members so here we have a short introduction of each member.


Chair – Sophie Ekins

Sophie has bravely stepped up and filled the boots as of our chair this year! Her daughter goes to Stebbing and her younger child has not yet started his Stebbing journey. Sophie hopes to be able to bring together as many people and ideas as possible to create fun and memorable events that will enrich everyone’s time at Stebbing School.


Vice Chair – Nikki Munson

Nikki probably doesn’t need a big introduction as she is well known in Stebbing school and the community! Two of her boys still go to Stebbing whereas her oldest has just left for high school elsewhere. Nikki is ‘The Voice’ of the AFSS operation! Having such great contacts with teachers, parents, and the local community, she is an asset to the team and we are incredibly grateful to have her on board as Vice Chair.


Secretary – Iida Zelley

Iida is a mum of two and both of them go to Stebbing Primary School, which they absolutely love! It’s Iida’s wish to help provide her children with happy school years that made her volunteer for Secretary role for the AFSS. She joined the committee in 2021 and she has finally slowly settled into her role. She has loved being able to bring so much joy to the school children but also been able to see the necessary projects taking place in the school that the AFSS has helped to fund.


Treasurer – Lucy Roach

Lucy’s daughter has is only in KS1 but she has dived straight in with the responsibilities. Having already been on the AFSS board for a year, she is ‘The Brains’ a.k.a. The Treasurer, in charge of all pennies and ultimately making sure the AFSS hit the targets that the school asks of us. She is also a member of the school governors so her links with the school are great as well.


AFSS collects funds for Stebbing Primary School and everything is used entirely for the benefit of the children. The Association has provided a wide range of books and school and sports equipment, including a major part of the funding for the new outdoor area, in addition to funding various educational outings and activities.  We have contributed a large amount to the Sensory Room. Our newest goal is to collect funds towards the refurbishment of the school hall. This is no easy task but we believe that with the support from the community, we can achieve something great!


Events that AFSS organises are held throughout the year. We start the academic year with an epic Halloween disco and Halloween trail to do during the first half term. November sees the Stebbing 10 Run returning and majority of our profits come from that day alone. Christmas time is one big celebration with several special days for the children. New Year is welcomed with the popular Quiz Night – who can beat the teacher’s team?! Valentine’s Day brings another Disco for the children to have fun in. In March we are hosting a special night for mums’ in the White Hart. Dads’ have their turn in June! There is also SO much more so please have a look at our planned Calendar of Events (place link or direct to look files at the bottom).


We aim to reach the parents and the target audience in different platforms in hopes that we won’t be missed! Our primary tool is ClassDojo in which we advertise first. We will follow with updates on Facebook so please follow AFSS Stebbing (link below). Important messages, such as AGM invites, will be sent out in ParentMail too. We also have a display board by the school office in which we will showcase important events. We also utilise WhatsApp class groups with having one representative from each year to be in direct contact with the committee members.


If you wish to meet the AFSS team, we aim to meet at least once a month and everyone is welcome to join us! Our date night is 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm in the White Hart, Stebbing.


If you would like to help us to fundraise extra money for the school, please also consider using these online shopping and lottery options.

Amazon Smile – Associated Friends of Stebbing School


Easy Fundraising – Stebbing Primary School


My School Lottery – Stebbing Primary School


Contact us


Facebook: Stebbing AFSS


AGM Agenda minutes

© 2025 Stebbing Primary School.