Stebbing Primary Term Dates
Our school calendar helps to keep you up-to-date with school holiday dates. For further details on a particular event happening at school, please head to the Stebbing Calendar Page or check your parentmail emails. When booking holidays please consider the information in the attached letter regarding absence during term time.
Absence During School Term Time PDF
School closes 3.10pm |
School re-opens 8.40am |
Half Term |
Thursday 13th February |
Monday 24th February |
Easter Holidays |
Friday 4th April |
Tuesday 22nd April |
Bank Holiday |
Friday 2nd May |
Tuesday 6th May |
Half Term |
Friday 23rd May |
Wednesday 4th June |
Summer Holidays |
Tuesday 22nd July |
School closes 3.10pm |
School re-opens 8.40am |
Autumn Term |
Tuesday 2nd September |
Half Term |
Thursday 23rd October |
Monday 3rd November |
Christmas Holidays |
Friday 19th December |
School closes 3.10pm |
School re-opens 8.40am |
Spring term |
Tuesday 6th January |
School closes 3.10pm |
School re-opens 8.40am |
Half Term |
Thursday 12th February |
Monday 23rd February |
Easter Holidays |
Friday 27th March |
Monday 13th April |
Bank Holiday |
Friday 1st May |
Tuesday 5th May |
Half Term |
Friday 22nd May |
Tuesday 2nd June |
Summer Holidays |
Monday 20th July |